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Quality Initiative


TCESC’s Quality Initiative provides provides the organization with
direction for strategic planning and continuous improvement. A Quality
Leadership Team, composed of approximately 25 individuals from all
aspects of the organization, meets  to analyze the strategic
plan and review quality standards. TCESC has Quality
Teams that work together to analyze data, set goals and develop action
plans each year. The Quality Teams help to bring the organization
together ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goals and


  1. To build school district capacity to improve learning by providing technical assistance, training, staff and resources as measured by customer feedback.
  2. To operate within a budget while maintaining and improving the cost-effectiveness of our services as measured by total contact hours and annual cost analysis.
Philosophy Statement

TCESC, as a visionary leader in education, provides high-quality services to school districts and communities through cost-effective and cooperative programs that promote the highest levels of learning.  

Vision Statement

To be the first contact for customer service for all Trumbull County school districts.

Mission Statement

Leading for Educational Excellence 

Core Values

  • Every individual has worth and value.
  • Education is the primary process of improving the quality of life. 

TCESC Beliefs

We believe: 

  • All children can learn.
  • Building school district capacity to effectively serve children is our number one priority.
  • Our services are designed to represent the best interests of our school districts.
  • Every employee is critical to the success of the organization.
  • Effective leadership and collaboration are fundamental to on-going educational improvement.
  • Our responsibility is to provide high quality, cost effective programs and services.
  • Families, community agencies, business and government are integral parts of the educational process.


TCESC Quality Initiative Leadership Team

Michael Hanshaw, superintendent

Robert Marino Jr., ed.D., assistant superintendent

Kathleen Vilsack, director

Gerri Melillo, supervisor

Lori Simione, treasurer

Carlotta Sheets, supervisor

Sue Shutrump, supervisor

Michelle Tul, teacher

Brenda Hanson, teacher

Strategic Plan