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TCESC Program Overview

Early Childhood Program

TCESC Early Childhood Program serves children ages three-to-five who reside in all 20 school districts throughout Trumbull County. The program is open to both disabled and typically developing preschoolers. Disabled children are enrolled according to the Rules for the Education of Preschool Children with Disabilities served by public schools and County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Chapter 3301-31. Typically developing preschool children are enrolled and withdrawn according to school district policy. 

  • Although there is not a preschool classroom in each district, children are enrolled in the classroom closest to their homes. Disabled children are transported by school bus while typically developing children are transported by their parents.
  • TCESC's preschool teachers are trained in both early childhood and special education. Classroom assistants participate in educational workshops on an annual basis.
  • Children attend five-hour sessions four days a week. Each class has 12-13 students of mixed ages. There are 16-17 students in a classroom of typically developing students. The preschool follows the normal nine-month school schedule, and regular holidays are observed.
  • Disabled children receive Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that are developed in cooperation with the child's school district of residence. Children receive support from speech -language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, adaptive physical education, behavior management therapy and psychological services.
  • A typical day includes breakfast, a class meeting and planning followed by a story. Then children work on projects, receive instruction and play. The first dismissal is after lunch, which is available for purchase through the school lunch program.
  • Parents may observe at any time. Volunteers are encouraged to assist with preparation of materials, class parties and field trips. Formal conferences are held twice a year in accordance with the school calendar. Additional conferences may be scheduled at a parent's request.
  • In special circumstances, children may receive preschool services in various environments outside the school.
  • In recognition of the value of early intervention, TCESC has developed a preschool classroom dedicated to serving preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. A link to a page containing additional information about the program is available in the box at the right.